[8th TRIZ Symposium in Japan] 05. With Dr. Shin (2) [8th TRIZ Symposium in Japan] 05.With Dr. Shin (2) From September 6th through September 8th, the 8th TRIZ Symposium in Japan was held in Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. Here are some photos taken by Jeongho Shin. I hope all of you enjoy them. ^^ By Jeongho Shin|2023-04-06T16:54:48+09:002012년 9월 13일|공지 사항, 트리즈 관련 행사|0 댓글 Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! 댓글 남기기응답 취소 이 사이트는 스팸을 줄이는 아키스밋을 사용합니다. 댓글이 어떻게 처리되는지 알아보십시오.
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