[8th TRIZ Symposium in Japan] 06.People [8th TRIZ Symposium in Japan] Photos – 05.People From September 6th through September 8th, the 8th TRIZ Symposium in Japan was held in Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. Here are some photos taken by Jeongho Shin. I hope all of you enjoy them. ^^ By Jeongho Shin|2023-04-06T16:54:48+09:002012년 9월 13일|공지 사항, 트리즈 관련 행사|0 댓글 Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! 댓글 남기기응답 취소 이 사이트는 스팸을 줄이는 아키스밋을 사용합니다. 댓글이 어떻게 처리되는지 알아보십시오.
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